Monday, November 19, 2007

About Monday

Today we went to Concern and people were coming to get there Thanksgiving stuff and it was very very busy. And the pantry got like six hundered orders it seem like. Well got to go to bed.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

About today

Well, today is Tuesday of course. Today is a busy day in Indiana. If you saw the other blog I post yesterday you will see how busy I am today.This is how you know how busy I am just go to the other blog. But if you don't want look at the other one I will tell you what I am doing today. My grandma has a person come over at 9:00, then we are going to get me and my sister's hair cut at 11:00, right after that we are going to my aunt Michelle and my cousins Ashley,Andy,and Dylan. I got to go.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Going to Indiana

Me and my brothers, sister, and my mom went to Indiana yesterday and we are in Indiana now. The reason we came is to see my Grandma and Cousins. And we had a great 10 hour drive probably because we prayed at the first stop sign. I am sooooo suprised that my 1 year old brother didn't cry once on the trip. Well, the night we got there it was 5:30 and we went to see my uncle's girlfriend because she just had a baby girl. After that we went to get something to eat so we went to Applebees and ate. Then we went back to the hospital and my uncle was driving and somebody wasn't paying attention and backed up and hit my uncle, then just drove off and my uncule followed him. And then they came back. And my baby cousin started crying because he wanted to come with us and we couldn't help it. So he came with us to my grandma's house. Well now I will tell you my schedule:Monday:We are going to help my grandma get groceries because she just had back surgery 8 weeks ago and she can't lift that much.Tuesday:We are going to get me and my sister's hair cut and then we are going to see my aunt Michelle and my cousins Ashley,Andy,and Dylan and we are goind to spend the night there. Since we spent the night at my aunt's we are going to the children's musuem with my aunt and it will be so much fun
Thursday:My grandma has a doctors appointment and then we might go to see my freind.
Friday:We might go see my great grandma Carrie.